Sunday, November 8, 2009

I hate Medic

Wats up....? Im taking a break from my revision now, apparently, the revision doesnt seem to be progressing at all. Frankly speaking, I understand what Im reading but its not registering in my brain. Sooner or later, I'm forgetting all the stuff that I just revised!

Like it or not, I have no choice cause that's what SAF stand for right?

SAF=Suck thumb And Follow

I dont know why am I studying all this bullsh*tting things, it has nothing to do with my future plans or anything that I wanna do with life. Yes, its very useful in other hand, if lets say (GOD FORBID) if anything happen to my love ones, faint, chest pain etc, I actually know wat exactly to do. OK...... NOT exactly, maybe roughly! Im sooooooo stressssed... This is even more stressful than my life in College Central Bishan or my O level.... hahahaha!!! Keep telling myself, its going to be ok!

For all my friends who are asking for my previous theory test result, apparently, I dont even know if I fail or past. Lol! So..... wish me luccccck for my this week test (yet again) cause I really need it! LUuuuCK to all in everything you all do!!!!

(fyi. I still respect all the nurses in the world! Cause I think they are brave and willing to deal with life threatening situation)

So here come my favourite part of my blog! This week Im singing, the man who cant be moved by the Script. Love love love the song! A MUST SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

More update next weeeeek!